a quick guided meditation using muscle relaxation and the power of affirmations to bring a senes of calm and reassurance to your day.
A short meditation to help you relax and focus on the present moment while nourishing your baby.
Coping techniques and strategies to guide your parenting and better support your child with anxiety in collaboration with school psychologist, Amber Korbel.
A short and effective tool you can use in the MOMent when you need to check-in with yourself before reacting.
Learn the importance of flexing your mindful muscle, the science behind mindfulness, and 3 tools to implement in the MOMent!
9 minute guided meditation helping you to embrace change and release the things you cannot control.
This two minute exercise will help you reset when you start to feel big emotions coming up.
Use this 4 minute guided breath work after a rough drop off, tantrum, or other stressful parenting moment to help yourself recenter.
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